Tag Archives: Ivermectin

Strongyloidiasis Infection

Strongyloidiasis Infection

What is Strongyloidiasis?

Strongyloidiasis infection is caused by roundworm or nematode. The roundworm is usually found in warm climates, like those of tropical and subtropical countries. Certain strains of this infection have also been found to infect primates, dogs, and cats.

abdominal pain

Signs and Symptoms of Strongyloidiasis?

Risk Factors of Strongyloidiasis

Strongyloides are most commonly transmitted by contacting soil contaminated with Strongyloides larvae. The risk of being infected increases when activities increase contact with the soil, such as:

  • Walking with bare feet
  • Contact with human waste
  • Contact with sewage
  • Farming and coal mining are occupations that increase soil contamination

Strongyloidiasis Medication

Safe and effective drugs are available to treat Strongyloidiasis infection. Ivermectin is also a recommended medication for a condition such as strongyloidiasis. Ivermectin works by paralyzing and inactivating the gut of parasites in humans. Buy Ivermectin here at the most reasonable price. These are medical-grade medications that require a doctor’s prescription.

How Can Strongyloidiasis Be Prevented?

Strongyloides infection can be prevented by wearing shoes and avoiding contact with feces or sewage. Additionally, if you suspect that you are infected, you should be tested and treated if you are positive for the disease. Preventing disease begins with the proper disposal of sewage and the management of feces.

Pinworms Infection Causes Symptoms and Treatment

Pinworms Infection: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is Pinworm Infection?

Pinworm is an intestinal infection caused by tiny parasitic worms. Thousands of people are affected by this common infection every year, especially school-aged children. It is a contagious infection but if you get rid of pinworms quickly, they will not spread or cause any harm.

How Do Pinworm Infections Spread?

Fecal-oral transmission of pinworm infection occurs by direct hand contact with an infected pinworm egg, or indirectly, by passing it through contaminated clothing, bedding, food, or other items. As soon as pinworm eggs are deposited on the skin around the anus, they become infective.

Pinworms can live for two to three weeks on clothing, bedding, or other objects. Infectious pinworm eggs are found on fingers, under fingernails, or on contaminated objects and surfaces such as clothing, bedding, and other objects. Pinworm eggs sometimes become airborne due to their small size and can be ingested.

abdominal pain

Symptoms of Pinworms Infection

  • Itching of the anal or vaginal area
  • Irritability and insomnia
  • Restlessness and teeth grinding
  • Nausea
  • Occasional stomach pain

Causes of Pinworms Infection

  • Causes of pinworm infection include acquiring it by ingesting or inhaling pinworm eggs. Infected people usually deposit these microscopic eggs on surfaces.
  • The eggs remain in the intestine until they hatch and mature. During the night, adult female pinworms exit the body through the anus.
  • Upon laying eggs, they return to the colon from the folds of skin around the anus. These eggs often cause itching and irritation.

What Do Pinworms Look Like?

A pinworm is a parasitic nematode that lives in the intestines and lays eggs on the skin around the anus. Their name comes from their pin-like tails.

Prevent Pinworm Infections

  • Trim your fingernails. Your fingernails should be cleaned and trimmed to prevent the eggs from being transferred.
  • Avoid touching the anal area. Protect the affected area from touching or scratching by making sure your children do not do so.
  • Wash your hands often. After using the bathroom, changing a diaper, touching your mouth or nose, or petting a dog or cat, wash your hands with soap and warm water. Make sure your children wash their hands, too.
  • Shower often. To remove pinworm eggs from the skin, people who have pinworms should shower every day. Showering is more effective than bathing because bathwater can become contaminated with eggs.
  • Keep surfaces clean. You can help prevent the spread of the infection by regularly cleaning toys, counters, toilets, utensils, dishes, and other surfaces with soap and water.
  • Wash sheets, towels, and underclothes frequently. The linens should be washed every day until the treatment is complete. Washing laundry with eggs in it can spread infections, so don’t shake them out before washing.

Treatment of Pinworms Infection

Pinworm can be treated with either prescription or over-the-counter medications. Consult your doctor before using treatment medication for suspected pinworm infection. The treatment method involves two doses of medication with the second dose being given 2 weeks after the first dose.

Ivermectin is also an antihelminthic medication that is used for pinworm infection. Ivermectin works by interfering with the nerve and muscle functions of worms, by paralyzing and killing them. Consult your doctor before using this medication to know the possible benefits and side effects. Buy Ivermectin here at the lowest reasonable price.

Whipworm Infection

Whipworm Infection

Whipworm infection is an infection of the large intestine. This infection also known as trichuriasis develops after ingesting water or dirt contaminated with feces containing whipworm parasites. Anyone who has come into contact with contaminated feces can also contract a whipworm infection. 

The infection most often occurs in children. It is also more common in people who live in regions with hot, humid climates and areas with poor hygiene and sanitation.

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Symptoms of Whipworm Infection

The symptoms of Whipworm Infection can range from mild to severe. They may include:

Causes of Whipworm Infection

Whipworm Infection is commonly caused by Trichuris trichiura. It is a parasite that is shaped like a whip that has a thick section on one end that resembles the whip handle and a narrow section on the other end that looks like a whip. 

People often get this infection after consuming dirt or water contaminated with feces that has whipworm parasites or their eggs. The eggs of whipworms can get into the soil when contaminated feces are used in fertilizers. You can also get the infection when an infected person or animal defecates outside.

Someone might unknowingly consume the whipworm parasites or their eggs when they:

  • Eat fruits or vegetables that haven’t been thoroughly cooked, washed, or peeled
  • Touch the dirt and then put their hands or fingers in or near their mouth
hand of person doing gardening on soil

Risk Factors for Whipworm Infection

Whipworm Infection occurs in anyone. Conversely, people may be more likely to contract this infection if they:

  • Live in an area with poor sanitation and hygiene practices
  • Live in a region with a hot, humid climate
  • Eat raw vegetables that are grown in soil fertilized with manure
  • Work in an industry where they come into contact with soil that contains manure
  • Children also are at high risk of getting the infection as they often play outdoors and might not wash their hands carefully before eating. 

Diagnosis for Whipworm Infection

A stool test is usually the initial test that doctors mostly recommend. You may need to give a sample of your feces to a lab for testing. The stool test can determine whether there are whipworms or whipworm eggs in your intestines and feces. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after the test.

For infants, the diaper can be lined with plastic wrap to collect the sample. The sample will be sent to a lab, where it will be analyzed under a microscope for the presence of whipworms and their eggs.

Treatment for Whipworm Infection

Whipworm Infection’s most common and effective treatment is an antiparasitic medication:

This medicine belongs to the anthelmintic group of drugs that improves the patient’s condition by killing the parasite.