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Buy Mirtazapine


Mirtazapine is an atypical anti-depressant medication. It is prescribed for the treatment of conditions like:

  • Major depressive disorder
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Anxiety disorder

It is sometimes used off-label for patients who experience a prolonged period of poor sleep. Studies have also shown that it has a positive impact on insomnia among people with depression. It helps improve the amount of time spent on sleep as it decreases the nighttime awakenings.

The exact mechanism of action of this drug is unknown. However, it is believed that it helps elevate the mood of a patient suffering from depression. Patients with depression have abnormal levels of these chemical messengers. Mirtazapine acts on the chemical messenger in the brain. It raises the level of serotonin and norepinephrine. It also blocks the effect of histamines in the body. 

Why Buy Mirtazapine?

Mirtazapine is U.S FDA approved since 1996 for the treatment of depression and other anxiety disorders. It is the same active ingredient found in the brand name Remeron. Mirtazapine is a NaSSA or noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant. Unlike other NaSSA, it is less expensive but is at least as effective as other older antidepressant.  It is a potent medication which helps promote better sleep as it improves your overall mood.

How to Take Mirtazapine?

Mirtazapine is a prescription drug. Take it only upon the advice of your doctor.  It comes in a disintegrating tablet and tablet form that you can take orally. The usual starting dose is one tablet of 15 mg a day. Take it with a glass of water with or without food. Your doctor may increase your dose every 1 to 2 weeks. The maximum dose is 45 mg a day. Take the medication as directed. Take it before bedtime due to its sedating effect. You can tell that the drug is working if your depression symptoms improve. 

Things to Remember

  • Mirtazapine can cause drowsiness. You should take this medication before bedtime.
  • Like other medications, this drug may also cause side effects. Common side effects may include weight gain, dry mouth and dizziness. Serious side effects are seizures, manic episodes and a decreased in blood cells.
  • You may feel agitated and restless for the first few weeks of treatment.
  • Do not take this product with Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).
  • People with heart, kidney, liver and eye problems must take this medication with care.
  • This medication is not safe for children below 18 years of age. It is not also safe for older adults, pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Buy Mirtazapine

Moderating the Level of Certain Natural Chemicals To Treat Depression

Mirtazapine belongs to the class of tetracyclic antidepressant. It is a noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA). Remeron is the brand name drug of above drug in market. This drug treats depression by moderating the level of certain natural chemicals. It treats anxiety disorder. It was launched in the United States in 1996. This drug is also a good choice for Patients showing anxiety or insomnia. 

How does Mirtazapine work?

Mirtazapine is an oral medicine used in the treatment of depression. It exhibits both noradrenergic and serotonergic activity. It works by affecting the balance of the neurotransmitters (NT) such as serotonin and noradrenaline.

These NTs act as a messenger between the nerve cells in the brain. In depression, it is thought that there may be a decreased amount of above NT. The mood lightens if these chemicals are released at the nerve ending.  If they are bound to the nerve ending in the brain, then this may lead to a depressed mood.

Mirtazapine blocks the receptors called alpha-2 receptors on nerve cells in the brain. Generally NT bind to this receptors. Thus Mirtazapine avoids binding of nerve cells in the brain to the alpha-2 receptors. This relieves the depression and lightens the mood.

What are the uses of Mirtazapine?

Mirtazapine is an antidepressant drug which works on the nerve ending in the brain. It treats various symptoms of major depressive disorder [MDD]. It helps in improving the following symptoms.

  1. A depressed mood like feeling sad, empty or tearful.
  2. Feeling hopeless or guilty.
  • Suicidal thoughts.
  1. Feeling nervous.
  2. Low energy.
  3. Trouble concentration.
  • Unusual sleeping or eating habits.
  • Psychomotor retardation

This drug helps to come out of above symptoms and behavior. It does not affect cholinergic or dopaminergic receptors.

How to take Mirtazapine?

Mirtazapine comes in the form of a tablet of strength 7.5mg, 15mg & 30mg. General dosage for Mirtazapine is 15 mg/ day. This is a single dose to take preferably at night. Your Doctor may change the dose depending on

  • Your condition and
  • How you respond to the lower dose.

These are orally disintegrating tablets. Place it on the tongue as soon as you peel the foil.  It will dissolve in seconds. You can swallow it with saliva. No need to drink water.

What are the precautions in taking Mirtazapine?

It is necessary to take precautions with Mirtazapine in certain condition discussed below.

  1. Avoid this drug with monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor.
  2. Keep the difference of 2 weeks prior and after you take MAO inhibitor treatment.
  3. Inform your doctor in case of other medications you take. This may avoid risk of side effects and interaction.
  4. It isn’t suitable to use this drug in children.
  5. Elder people may need some adjustments in the dose to avoid side effects.
  6. There are no adequate proofs to use the drug in pregnancy or breast feeding.
  7. Tell your doctor regarding Heart problems or other metabolic disorders.

Cost of Mirtazapine.  [Generic & Brand]

The brand version of Mirtazapine is Remeron. The generic and brand Remeron differ in their price both in physical and online pharmacy. Their effect remains same as the basic active ingredient is Mirtazapine.

# Cost of generic Mirtazapine.

-The 7.5mg tablet is $ 0.37 per unit and pack of 30 tablet is $11.

-15 mg tablets are $0.73 per unit and pack of 30 tablets is $22.

-30mg tablet is $ 1.17 per unit and pack of 30 tablets is $ 35.

# Cost & Brand Remeron.

-15mg tablet is $ 6.49 per unit & pack of 30 tablet is $ 194.60.

-30mg tablet is $ 6.67 per unit & pack of 30 tablet is $ 200.24.

This shows the cost difference between the generic and the brand version. It is always beneficial to go with Generic.