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Tips to Reduce the Cravings for Nicotine

Nicotine causes a chemical dependency so that the body develops a need for a certain level of nicotine at all times. Nicotine is highly addictive and people who quit may experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms are high for heavy smokers for longer years. 

How Long Does Nicotine Craving last?

Cravings for nicotine can start 30 minutes after your last cigarette. This varies depending on how much you smoked and how long. Cravings peak in 2 to 3 days and usually pass after 3 to 5 minutes. You should stop getting them altogether after 4 to 6 weeks.

How to Deal With Cravings for Nicotine

Deal With Cravings for Nicotine
Cravings for Nicotine

When all the nicotine has left your system, the physical cravings will be gone. But then come the mental cravings, which can last for a few weeks. Take it one step at a time and avoid worrying about how you will get through the coming days. Keep a goal and list of things that you can do such as:

  • Try to keep your mouth busy by chewing gum, candy, or chewing on crunchy foods. 
  • Use nicotine replacement therapy such as lozenges, gums, and patches. 
  • Go for a walk or do some quick exercises when a craving hits
  • Head to a public place where you cannot smoke and take deep breathes
  • Eating can also help you deal with nicotine cravings. Be mindful of this and keep healthy snacks on hand.
  • Contact a friend or start a new routine for times when you usually smoke.
  • Try yoga, meditation, and deep breathing when withdrawal starts to get to you.
  • Avoid triggers that make you want to smoke, like alcohol, caffeine, or people you know who still smoke.

The 5 D’s That Help You Quit Smoking

  1. Distract. Focus on something else to distract yourself.
  2. Delay. Wait until the craving passes before doing anything about it.
  3. Deep breaths. Take 20 deep breaths.
  4. Drink water. Get a cold glass of water or fruit juice.
  5. Don’t dwell on it. Food cravings can also be confused with cravings for nicotine. It’s important to eat 3 regular meals each day.
nutritious fruits

Food and Drinks that Could Help Smokers Quit

  • Fruits and vegetables. Once you begin to stop smoking, food starts to taste better and flavors are more noticeable, so you may also enjoy these foods more. Cigarettes block the absorption of nutrients, such as calcium and vitamins C and D. Fruits and vegetables restores the nutrients and reduce your cravings to smoke
  • Milk and dairy. When facing a craving, consuming milk and other dairy products that make cigarettes taste bad might help deter smokers from cigarettes. Talk to your doctor about other options to reduce nicotine cravings.
  • Ginseng tea. This herb is therapeutic for nicotine addiction. It weakens the effect of the neurotransmitter in the brain that is associated with pleasure and is released when smoking tobacco. Ginseng tea could reduce the appeal of smoking and make it less enjoyable.
  • Sugar-free gum and mints. These are typical choices for people dealing with nicotine dependency. Chewing some gums keeps your mouth busy during an urge to smoke. 

Medication That Reduces the Cravings for Nicotine

Nicotine Replacement Therapy is effective in reducing cravings by replacing some of the nicotine you used to get from cigarettes. There are two FDA-approved quit-smoking medicines. Bupropion is a medication that works in the brain and helps people quit smoking. It reduces cravings and alleviates other symptoms of withdrawal. Buy bupropion online for a reasonable price. 

Varenicline is another quit-smoking medication that reduces your urge to smoke and some withdrawal symptoms. It reduces the pleasure you get from the nicotine in cigarettes. This can make it easier to quit by attaching strongly to the same parts of your brain that nicotine attaches to. This means that nicotine from a cigarette has fewer places to attach because the varenicline is already there.