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Symptoms and Causes of Scalp Ringworm

Scalp Ringworm is also known as tine Capitis which is a rash caused by a fungal infection. It is usually itchy, scaly, and causes bald patches on the head. No worm is involved in Scalp Ringworm. Ringworm gets its name because of its circular appearance. 

This fungal infection is contagious. Scalp Ringworm is the most common among toddler and school-age children. Medications can help kill the fungus that causes the infection. Also, medicated shampoos may help keep a person from spreading the infection to others. 

red itchy patch on skin due to ring worm

Symptoms of Scalp Ringworm

Symptoms of Scalp Ringworm may include:

  • Tender or painful areas on the scalp
  • Brittle or fragile hair that can be easily broken or pulled out
  • Patches that slowly get bigger and have small back dots where the hair has broken off
  • One or more round, scaly or inflamed patches where the hair has broken off near the scalp 

If you have any hair loss, scaling or itchiness of the scalp, or other unusual appearance of the scalp, call your health care provider right away. 

Causes of Scalp Ringworm

Scalp Ringworm is caused by a common fungus called dermatophytes. Fungi are organisms that thrive on dead tissue such as hair, fingernails, and the outer layers of your skin. Dermatophytes prefer moisture and warmth, so they thrive on sweaty skin. Overcrowding and poor hygiene increase the spread of ringworm. 

Among children, ringworm can be easily spread. You can get ringworm from touching the skin of an infected person. If you use bedding, combs, or other objects that have been used by an infected person, you’re also at risk. 

Diagnosis for Hypersexuality

Diagnosis of Scalp Ringworm

  • Scalp Ringworm is diagnosed by its appearance and the results of an examination of a sample of plucked hairs or hairs and scales from the scalp. Doctors examine the samples under a microscope.
  • Sometimes a type of ultraviolet light is shined on the scalp to distinguish the type of fungus.
  • Doctors may also do a culture of the samples of material taken from a kerion. Culture is the process of growing an organism in a laboratory for identification. 

Treatment and Medication for Scalp Ringworm

Your doctor may recommend that you wash your hair with a prescription-strength medicated shampoo. The shampoo removes fungus spores and helps prevent spreading the infection to others or other areas of the body.

Also, treatment for Scalp Ringworm scalp requires a prescription-strength antifungal medication taken by mouth. These medications may include:

You might need to take one of these medications for six weeks or more until your hair regrows. Usually, with successful treatment, the bald spots will grow hair again and the skin will heal without scarring.