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How To Treat Herpes Simplex?

Herpes simplex is a virus. It is commonly known as herpes. Herpes causes two common diseases that are both contagious and painful. Herpes infections can appear in different parts of the body especially around the mouth and genitals.

The infection on the mouth is known as fever blisters or cold sores. Herpes simplex virus 1 can cause this type of infection. Herpes simplex virus 2 on the other hand is responsible for the infection in the genitals.

What causes herpes simplex?

Herpes simplex virus is contagious. The virus can spread quickly during an outbreak. You can get infected from touching a herpes sore. Once infected, you will have to carry the virus for the rest of your life.

Who gets herpes simplex?

Anyone can get herpes simplex virus. The risk is based on the exposure to the virus. HSV-1 is transmitted through oral secretion or sores on the skin.

You can get HSV-1 when you:

  • Use eating utensil, shaver, toothbrush of infected person
  • Sharing lip balm
  • Kissing
  • Touching a herpes sore

You can get HSV-2 when:

  • Through oral sex

What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?

Symptoms appear as:

  • Blisters on the affected area

Blisters are painful. It breaks open and often secretes fluid.

  • Itching

Skin may itch for days before the blisters will appear

  • Painful urination

Person with genital herpes have problem urinating.

You may also experience flu-like symptoms. This includes:

  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Lack of appetite

There are times when the virus spread to the eye. If this happens, you can experience pain in the eye and eye discharge. Immediate treatment is important to avoid scarring.

How is herpes simplex treated?

The virus has no cure. The virus remains in the body of the infected person. It will become active when trigger.  To prevent the spreading of the virus your doctor will focus on getting rid of the sores.

Your doctor can prescribe an oral antiviral medicine and antiviral cream like acyclovir. Acyclovir helps in effectively relieve the pain caused by the sores. It can also shorten the herpes outbreak. Medication can also lower the frequency of outbreak.

In case of HSV-1 outbreak you can do the following to prevent the sores from spreading:

  • Avoid direct contact with other person
  • Wash your hands properly after touching your sores
  • Use cotton swab in applying medication on sores.