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Medication to Treat Ulcer of the Stomach and Intestine Due to GERD

Gastric acid: It is also called as gastric juice or stomach acid. Particular cells present in the lining of the stomach produce this acid. The stomach acid helps in the digestion of the contents of the stomach. There is a muscle at the end of the esophagus tube. This prevents backflow of stomach content to move back to the esophagus. Sometimes this muscle do not close in a proper way. This allows the backflow of the content of stomach. The disease is called as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Due to this, you may feel burning in the chest called as heartburn.

Cimetidine treats GERD and other related problems of stomach and esophagus.

How does cimetidine works?

Cimetidine belongs to the class of drugs called H-2 (Histamine-2) blockers. Histamine binds to the H-2 receptor of the cells in the lining of the stomach. These cells are responsible to produce gastric acid. Cimetidine binds to H-2 receptors in competitive to Histamine. This prevents the activation of proton pumps that produce acid. Low amount of acid prevents further damage to esophagus and stomach parts. It also helps to heal the damage.

How to take Cimetidine?

Cimetidine is an oral tablet. It is available in the strength of 400 mg. Take it at bedtime once in a day. It can be prescribed in divided doses, 3 To 4 times in a day.

*Adult Dosage

  • Gastric and duodenal ulcer-800 mg one time or 300 mg four times in a day with meals.
  • Esophagitis- 1600 mg every day in divided doses- Max dose-1200 mg/day.

*Children dosage: 20-40 mg/kg in a day.

*Maximum dose: 40 mg/kg/day (<16 years).

*Infants and Neonates– Your doctor will decide it.

Your doctor decides the dose and the condition of the patient. Ask your doctor for more information. Take the tablet 30 minutes before you eat something that causes heartburn.

What are the uses of Cimetidine?

Cimetidine treats for the following treatment

  1. Treat ulcer of the stomach and intestine due to GERD.
  2. Prevent them from returning.
  3. Reduce the pain of ulcer and heartburn.
  4. Reduce secretion of stomach acid.
  5. Treats other related diseases like Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
  6. Sometimes used to treat stress ulcers, hires, and itching.
  7. Useful in the treatment and prevention of heartburn associated with acid.
  8. Other uses include treating the viral wart, prevent aspiration pneumonia during anesthesia.
  9. Your doctor may prescribe it for other uses. Ask your doctor.

What are the precautions in taking cimetidine?

  • Ask your doctor regarding certain condition to avoid complications. Inform your doctor if you have,
    • Frequent chest pain.
    • Allery to above drug.
    • Had heartburn over 3 month.
    • Heartburn with sweating, dizziness etc.
    • Trouble to swallow food or have pain.
    • Vomiting along with blood.
    • Stomach pain.
    • Shortness of breath.
    • Asthma.
    • Seizure.
    • Pregnant or Breastfeeding.
    • Lung disease.
    • Kidney disease.
  • Inform your doctor, if you are using a blood thinner
  • Be Cautious when you do a work that needs to be alert. The medicine may make you feel drowsy.

Cost of Cimetidine (Generic and Brand).

Cimetidine is a generic drug. It is cheap and shows the same effect as the Brand ones. Both of them contain the same active ingredient. Brand drugs have to spend huge amount towards marketing, packing, and pricing of the drug. Generic drug save this money that is passed to our customer. This allows us to sell cheap generic medicines.

Cost of Generic Cimetidine.

  • Pack of 60 tablets of 400 mg costs $ 25.2, per unit cost is $ 0.42.

Cost of Brand Tagamet.

  • Pack of 100 tablets of 400 mg costs $ 114.98, per unit cost is $ 0.97.

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