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ADHD is the most common mental disorder in children. It affects children and teens and can last into adulthood. Children with ADHD have trouble controlling their behavior and trouble paying attention. They may also become hyperactive which may interfere with home life and school.

Adults with ADHD may be disorganized and have trouble managing their time. They have a hard time setting their goal and holding down a job. The good news is, ADHD can be managed and treated.


A child with ADHD

  • Is easily distracted
  • Forgets about daily activities
  • Often loss things
  • Do non-sense in their seats
  • Leave their seats even they do not have to
  • Constant motion (always on the go)
  • Talk non-stop
  • Give or shout answer before a question has been finished
  • Complete other people’s sentences
  • Talk and don’t wait for his turn in a conversation
  • Have trouble in waiting
  • Interrupt and intrude on others

Adults with ADHD

  • Becomes frustrated easily
  • Mood swing
  • Problems at work
  • Low self-esteem
  • Trouble controlling anger
  • Depression
  • Relationship problems

Symptoms may change as the person gets older.


The cause of ADHD is unknown. However, several things may lead to it such as:

  1. Hereditary
  2. Toxins like lead
  3. A brain injury and brain disorder
  4. Chemical imbalance
  5. Smoking, drinking, poor nutrition and infections

Neither watching too much TV doesn’t cause ADHD or eating foods loaded with sugar.


ADHD is diagnosed by a psychologist after the person has shown some symptoms. The symptoms of ADHD must be present since the age of 12. For children with ADHD, health care provider can diagnose with the help of standard guidelines. It involves the gathering of information from schools, parents and caregivers. Most children with this disease receive a diagnosis during their grade school years. The healthcare provider will compare the child’s behavior from other children of the same age. Health care provider may do the following test to diagnose ADHD:

  • Interview with parents, teachers, relative and other adult.
  • Psychological tests
  • Watching the child or adult personally
  • Rating scale that can measure the symptoms of ADHD


ADHD has no cure as of now. However, the symptoms can be managed with therapy and medications.

  • Medications: Stimulants can help control the impulsive and hyperactive behavior. Dietary supplements with omega 3s can help manage the symptoms.
  • Therapy: It focuses on changing the behavior. Therapy includes special education, social skills training and counseling.

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